UNITAS accomplishes its mission of behavioral change for youth through family, peer, school and community interventions and by the creation of social support networks between older and younger neighborhood youth, called "caretaking" or "mentoring". It accomplishes its goal through professional social work and psychological interventions that foster a multi systemic approach to behavioral change, even with the most difficult youth.
We began when a man called "Doc" took his psychological practice with children and adolescents out of a hospital setting and used his treatment interventions directly with them in their own natural settings of family, school, peers and community. From this outward move, an organization was born that is non-office based, but directly treats youth within those systems they are naturally embedded in, and uses the influential relationships already there for prevention and treatment purposes.
Our Team
Dr. Ian S. Amritt
M.D. / PH.D / F.A.C.P.
Executive Director
Associate Director
Patria Jimenez
Office Manager
Shawne Stewart
Office Assistant
Kary-Ann Jimenez
Clinical and School Base Supervisor
Site Coordinator
School Based Prevention Counselor
School Based Prevention Counselor
School Based Prevention Counselor
Unitas is Funded by the NYS Office of Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Services (OASAS), with other financial support from The Hispanic Federation, The Friends of Unitas, The New York Yankees Stadium Community Benefits Fund and private contributions.

Our Mission
UNITAS is a Community Mental Health Organization that aims to prevent and treat a wide range of emotional, behavioral and social problems of youth through family, school, and peer interventions and by creating networks of mutual aid between older and younger youth.